Ludwig Nadelman

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I was surfing the web, and came across this obituary from the NY Times for Ludwig Nadelman, so I decided to put it on the blog to record some of the history of the congregation for posterity.


New York Times
Published: December 8, 1986

Rabbi Ludwig Nadelman, a leading figure in the Jewish Reconstructionist movement, died Saturday at White Plains Hospital. He was 58 years old and lived in Scarsdale, N.Y.

Rabbi Nadelman was executive vice president and then president of the Jewish Reconstructionist Foundation from 1973 to 1982.

He was also a leading member of the Rabbinical Assembly, a national organization of Conservative rabbis.

Reconstructionism is based on the idea that Judaism is an evolving civilization rather than only a faith. It places strong emphasis on Zionism.

Rabbi Nadelman was born in Berlin in 1928. His mother and grandparents later fled with him to Ecuador to escape Nazi rule. He came to New York in 1946 and graduated from Yeshiva University.

Rabbi Nadelman was the spiritual leader of the M'vakshe Derekh congregation in Westchester County. He founded the congregation in 1982.

He is survived by his wife, Judith; three sons: Ethan, of Cambridge, Mass.; Jeremy, of the Bronx, and Daniel, of Washington, and a daughter, Deborah, of Baltimore.

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